
职  称:教授



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曹小平教授(Professor Xiao-Ping Cao),博士生导师。1982年本科毕业于兰州大学化学系后留校任助教、讲师, 1989年在职获硕士学位,1993至1997年在香港中文大学获博士学位并完成博士后研究,即返兰州大学任副教授,2002年任教授、博士生导师。2003、2008、2013年受教育部和德国科学研究基金会(DFG)资助在德国Bielefeld大学合作科研,任访问教授。曾为“国家自然科学基金委员会创新研究群体” 、“国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)”骨干成员, 现为“教育部长江学者创新团队发展计划”骨干成员。完成和主持国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目、及与香港研究资助局联合科研资助基金(NSFC/RGC)项目,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,国家教委“骨干教师基金”、“优秀年轻教师基金”、“回国人员科研启动基金”,“中国博士后科学基金”,“甘肃省自然科学基金”等多项科研项目。教学成果曾获甘肃省教育厅级奖及兰州大学奖。目前主要研究兴趣为有机功能分子的设计合成及性质研究,天然产物全合成,有机合成方法学。

近5年代表性论文(Representative Publications):

1. “Enantioselective Formal Synthesis of (+)-Cycloclavine and Total Synthesis of (+)-5-epi-Cycloclavine” Wei Wang, Yang Mi, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Zi-Fa Shi*, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 6603−6607.

2. “Access to Benzylic Quaternary Carbons from Aromatic Ketones” You Li, Jingpeng Han, Han Luo, Qiaoyu An, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Baosheng Li*, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 6050−6053.

3. “Biconcave and Convex−Concave Tribenzotriquinacene Dimers” Zhi-Min Li, Ya-Wei Li, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Hak-Fun Chow*, Dietmar Kuck*, J. Org. Chem. 2018, 83, 3433‒3440. Synfacts 2018, 14, 0698.

4. “An Efficient Ag+-Selective Fluorescent Chemosensor Derived from Tribenzotriquinacene” Zhi-Min Li, Da Hu, Jun Wei, Qiuli Qi, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Hak-Fun Chow*, Dietmar Kuck*, Synthesis 2018, 50, 1457‒1461.

5. “Construction of the Tetracyclic Core of (±)-Cycloclavine and 4-Amino Uhle’s Ketone” Jin-Quan Chen, Yang Mi, Zi-Fa Shi, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2018, 16, 3801?3808. 

6. “Efficient Aryl Migration from an Aryl Ether to a Carboxylic Acid Group To Form an Ester by Visible-Light Photoredox Catalysis”, Shao-Feng Wang, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Yang Li*, Angew. Chem. Int., Ed., 2017, 56, 13809?13813.

7. “Asymmetric Formal Synthesis of (+)-Cycloclavine” Jin-Quan Chen, Le-Le Song, Feng-Xin Li, Zi-Fa Shi, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Chem. Comm. 2017, 53, 12902?12905.

8. “Total Synthesis of (−)-Chanoclavine I and an Oxygen Substituted Ergoline Derivative” jia-Tian Lu, Zi-Fa Shi, Xiao-Ping Cao*, J. Org. Chem. 2017, 82, 7774?7782.

9. “Tribenzotriquinacene-Based Crown Ethers: Synthesis and Selective Complexation with Ammonium Salts” Yu-Fei Zhang, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Hak-Fun Chow*, Dietmar Kuck*, J. Org. Chem. 2017, 82, 179−187.

10. “o-Quinones Derived from Tribenzotriquinacenes: Functionalization of Inner Bay Positions and Use for Single-Wing Extensions” Yu-Fei Zhang, Wan-Fa Tian, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Dietmar Kuck*, Hak-Fun Chow*, J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 2308−2319.

11. “Triphenylethylene-based Fluorophores: Facile Preparation and Fullcolor Emission in both Solution and Solid States”, Wei Wen, Zi-Fa Shi, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Nian-Sheng Xu, Dyes and Pigments 2016, 132, 282−290.

12. “Direct and Short Construction of the ACDE Ring System of Daphenylline” Wei Wang, Guo-Ping Li, Shao-Feng Wang, Zi-Fa Shi, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Chem. Asian J. 2015, 10, 377−382.

13. “Cyclopropenes for the Synthesis of Cyclopropane-Fused Dihydroquinolines and Benzazepines” Hui-Xin Luo, You-Hong Niu, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Xin-Shan Ye*, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2015, 357, 2893−2902.

14. “Versatile Syntheses of Hemi-Cryptophanes and a Metallo-Cryptophane from a Hexa-Functionalized C3v-Symmetrical Tribenzotriquinacene (TBTQ) Derivative” Jun Wei, Zhi-Min Li, Xiao-Jie Jin, Xiao-Jun Yao, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Hak-Fun Chow*, Dietmar Kuck*, Chem. Asian J. 2015, 10, 1150−1158.

15. “Facile Preparation of ɑ-Cyano-ɑ,ω-Diaryloligovinylenes: A New Class of Color-Tunable Solid Emitters”, Peng An, Nian-Sheng Xu, Hao-Li Zhang, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Zi-Fa Shi*, Wei Wen, Chem. Asian J. 2015, 10, 1959−1966.